
” such as electric vehicles and hybrids to emit alert sounds when moving at speeds of up to 18.6 mph to help......
智能化集成化背景下的电驱高压系统热管理发展趋势 ThermalLab™—AVL 电气化汽车动力系统热管理的硬件在环测试解决方案 “-30 ℃-60 ℃”宽温域高效热泵直冷直热空调系统 固态电池Power......
, and will be introduced to our customers needs as applications power devices (ASPD)”. Integration of the thyristor......
与科学家和工程师对话 IET和Wiley联合策划国际妇女节对谈;近日,为迎接三月八日国际妇女节的到来,英国工程技术学会(IET)与Wiley联合策划了“与科学家和工程师对话”对谈活动,通过......
2022世界机器人大会圆满落幕,IET中国区负责人寄语机器人领域未来;8月18日至21日,2022世界机器人大会(World Robot Conference 2022,WRC2022)在北......
IET全新奖项“社会影响力奖”启动报名,欢迎优秀工程团队踊跃参与申请;(2022年9月15日,北京)日前,英国工程技术学会(IET, The Institution of Engineering......
A. Almohaimeed and Mamdouh Abdel-Akher. “Power Quality Issues and Mitigation for Electric Grids with Wind......
成长、合作、耕耘、收获 IET与Wiley联手对谈 分享科学家从业心得;近日,英国工程技术学会(IET)与Wiley联合策划了“与科学家和工程师对话”对谈活动,邀请了九位不同性别、不同学科、不同......
.   4Sulaiman A. Almohaimeed and Mamdouh Abdel-Akher. “Power Quality Issues and Mitigation for Electric......
cells are capable of generating a floating source voltage and current sufficient to drive and power......
modes, making it ideal for battery-and power-sensitive applications such as mobile phones......
地充电需求,真正做到随时随地,想充就充。 At any time when the electric vehicle is used, the power battery can be quickly......
will explore what NFC wireless charging is and its potential applications. 近场通信(NFC)和无线充电两项技术可以改变我们使用设备的方式。NFC......
还取得了各种成功的结果并进行了报告,包括使用QST®基板实现超过20μm的厚膜GaN生长,以及在功率器件中实现了1800V的击穿电压*2。 此外,Shin-Etsu Chemical和Oki Electric......
and their clinical applications FIGURE 2 The principal design criterion of power supplies for CIEDs. FIGURE 3......
has an internal shunt regulator that can be used for higher VCC power-supply voltage applications......
8月20日 应用文档 Getting Started with Low Power Applications Package PDF 252 KB 相关文件: 样例程序 2024年7月......
8月20日 应用文档 Getting Started with Low Power Applications Package PDF 252 KB 相关文件: 样例程序 2024年7月......
Power推出了吹叶机和除草机,二者均使用了印刷电路板定子,坚固耐用且没有噪声。 其次,有些人又觉得印刷电路板定子只能用于低功率机器。但在2012年,Boulder Wind Power将印......
PDF 534 KB 日文 2024年7月24日 应用文档 Getting Started with Low Power Applications Package PDF 252......
三菱电机将砸约51亿元盖新厂!增产 SiC 功率半导体; 【导读】因来自电动车(EV)的需求旺,日本三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric)将砸千亿日圆、盖新厂,增产......
、Chubu Electric Power及部分来自日本银行的贷款。 ......
Company、卡塔尔Al Shabib Battery Factory(Q Power)、沙特Middle East Battery Company)提交的申请,对原......
异常情况对电池和系统造成损坏。我们比你更在乎充电安全。 In high-power charging applications, efficiency and heat are the most important......
. Robbins: "Power Electronics Converters, Applications and Design" 2nd edition J. Wiley & Sons NY 1995......
关于尼得科研发出新型电动助力转向系统电机电源组的通知;     此次,尼得科株式会社(以下简称“本公司”)研发出新型电动助力转向系统电机电源组*1(以下简称“EPS-PP”:Electric......
Synchronous Reluctance Machine),峰值功率为200 kW。 提高电机的功率密度(power density)是降低电机材料成本的方法之一。 提高PMSM功率密度的方法 在给......
, "The impact of short circuits on contact elements in high power applications", IEEE Holm Conference......
elements in high power applications", IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 2017. [4]Y......
, T. Kufner, G. Freudiger, "The impact of short circuits on contact elements in high power applications......
in high power applications", IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 2017. [4]  Y. Lozanov......
power applications", IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 2017. [4]  Y. Lozanov, "Assessment......
Self-driving Vehicle to Tap the Power of IBM Watson (新闻稿) Meet Olli: the 3D-printed autonomous bus......
硅基及碳化硅基的最新一代国产化功率半导体器件性能对比及分析   Performance Comparison and Analysis of the Latest Generation of Domesticated   Power......
全球先进消费者洞察与市场研究机构JD Power的《2023年电动汽车考虑因素研究(2023 Electric Vehicle Consideration Study)》,近一半的美国消费者指出,不购......
味着该公司的价值约为2万亿日元(约合人民币1049.2亿元)。 据日经新闻报道,此次收购资金将主要来自欧力士(Orix Corp)、罗姆(Rohm)、中部电力公司(Chubu Electric......
internal combustion engine (ICE) powered vehicles, hybrids or fully electric cars, automotive designs......
电动助力转向系统EPS主流芯片有哪些呢?;01 电机驱动器及电机概览    电动助力转向系统(EPS,Electric Power Steering)是汽车转向系统的发展方向,该系......
标准的EVCC(Electric Vehicle Communication Controller)模块,而每一个充电桩也需要一个SECC(Supply Equipment Communication......
' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version......
汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)中的永磁体;汽车电动助力转向系统(EPS)中的永磁体 EPS为英文Electric Power Steering,也就是我们汽车中的电子助力转向系统。该系......
Corporation)和日本四国电力公司(Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.)通过其子公司奥地利太阳能智利四号有限责任公司(AustrianSolar Chile Cuatro......
密度可达到 1,000 Wh/kg,美国发布最强电池科技?;美国新创公司「Wright Electric」发表轻量化电池技术,透过新科技,新的电池能量密度可达到 1,000 Wh/kg 的水平,而目......
汽车EPS模块抛负载保护电路设计方案;电动助力转向系统,Electric Power Steering,缩写EPS,是一种直接依靠电机提供辅助扭矩的动力转向系统,主要由扭矩传感器、车速传感器、电动......
源控制模块领域,占有较高的市场份额。此次获奖的产品对象包括电子驻车开关(Electric parking switch)、启停开关(Start stop switch)、电动座椅开关(Power seat......
获奖的产品对象包括电子驻车开关(Electric parking switch)、启停开关(Start stop switch)、电动座椅开关(Power seat switch)以及电子控制器(DCDC转换器)等。 尼得科智动(广州......
Protean Electric “第 5 代”轮毂电机投产;7月16日, Protean Electric(简称Protean)宣布推出其ProteanDrive第5代轮毂电机(简称“Gen 5......
NTT DATA与Schneider Electric携手推动边缘人工智能创新;• 两家公司共同创新,提供集边缘、专用5G、物联网和模块化数据中心于一体的整体解决方案,随时随地实现边缘连接• 合作......
and software reduce the effort and time required to develop applications to estimate State Of Charge and State......
the effort and time required to develop applications to estimate State Of Charge and State Of Health......


iet-labs;;Since 1976, it has been IET Lab's mission is to help provide our customers with cost
IGBT drivers enhance the efficiency, reliability and cost of high-power applications such as industrial
, such as Communication equipment, electric power systems、Uninterruptible power suppliers and stand-by power systems
and Electric Power Company). Light Energy Company is specially engaged in the study of solar power
;瑞谷进出口有限公司;;GREEGOO Electric Co., Ltd, located in Wenzhou, the electric capital of China
. Acme®'s product offering covers the full spectrum of applications, from commercial general power
, ideally suited for use in space-constrained applications. CAP-XX supercapacitors provide: peak power
, UPS, Electric Appliance and Solar Energy markets toys, power tools etc. Rechargeable batteries
magnecraft;;Founded in 1951 by Herbert Steinback in Chicago, IL, Magnecraft Electric Company began