
or convertible notes or the sale of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price......

安森美2023财年第一季度业绩超预期(2023-05-05 15:05)
notes or the sale of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share......

安森美公布破纪录2022年第3季度业绩(2022-11-01 14:58)
stock price per share exceeds $20.72 for the 1.625% Notes and $52.97 for the 0% Notes, the non-GAAP......

安森美公布 2024 年第二季度业绩(2024-07-30 11:56)
when the quarterly average stock price per share exceeds $52.97 for the 0% Notes, and $103.87......

. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share exceeds 20.72forthe1.62520.72forthe1.62552.97......

安森美公布 2024 年第三季度业绩(2024-10-29 10:50)
or the sale of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share exceeds $52.97......

安森美公布 2024 年第三季度业绩(2024-10-29)
notes or the sale of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share......

安森美公布2023年第四季度及全年业绩(2024-02-06 15:11)
of treasury shares. In periods when the quarterly average stock price per share exceeds $52.97 for the 0......

[9] Investopedia:Arm Expected to Be Biggest US IPO So Far......

4by4向优质库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock引入新功能(2023-05-15)
4by4向优质库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock引入新功能;视觉内容技术公司4by4(KRX: 389140.KQ)今天宣布全面升级其库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock(https......

4by4向优质库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock引入新功能(2023-05-15 11:02)
4by4向优质库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock引入新功能;视觉内容技术公司4by4(KRX: 389140.KQ)今天宣布全面升级其库存视频素材平台KEYCUT stock(https......

Vultr与Backblaze合作,使开发人员能够灵活且低成本地应用强大的云计算和云存储基础设施(2023-05-05 10:06)
(基于NVIDIA HGX H100、A100、A40和A16)、云计算、优化云计算和裸机,并与Backblaze B2紧密集成。Vultr和Backblaze也将赋能开发人员,让他......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计(2022-12-23)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计;
【导读】意法半导体TouchGFX软件包最新版本进一步简化在STM32 微控......

a portion of Net income to be allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay......

(基于NVIDIA HGX H100、A100、A40和A16)、云计算、优化云计算和裸机,并与Backblaze B2紧密集成。Vultr和Backblaze也将赋能开发人员,让他......

to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents, diluted EPS......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计(2022-12-23)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计;2022 年 12 月 23 日,中国—意法半导体TouchGFX软件包最新版本进一步简化在STM32 微控......

Gold price: If you’re selling central bankers are buying
Russia is loading up on gold......

德州仪器公司(TI)发布 2023 年第二季度财务业绩与股东回报(2023-7-26)
is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents. Diluted EPS......

德州仪器公司(TI)发布 2023 年第三季度财务业绩与股东回报(2023-10-24)
A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock......

is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents. Diluted EPS......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend......

restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents. Diluted EPS is calculated using......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计(2022-12-23)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计;
2022 年 12 月23日,中国—TouchGFX最新版本进一步简化在STM32 微控......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay......

restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents. Diluted EPS is calculated using......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay......

of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend......

of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units......

income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs)
on which we pay dividend......

is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we pay dividend equivalents. Diluted EPS......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs) on which we......

A portion of net income is allocated to unvested restricted stock units (RSUs......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计(2022-12-23 15:12)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计;意法半导体TouchGFX软件包最新版本进一步简化在STM32 微控制器上开发美观的用户界面 (UI)。4.21......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计(2022-12-23)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设计;意法半导体TouchGFX软件包最新版本进一步简化在STM32 微控制器上开发美观的用户界面 (UI)。4.21......

MVG 携手思博伦推动OTA测试(2022-10-27 10:27)
伦是行业领先的下一代设备和网络测试与保障解决方案供应商,其技术和经过验证的性能提供了与现实世界 GNSS 配置密切相关的输出,从而实现了更高效、更准确的测试环境。思博伦PNT事业部副总裁Adam Price表示:“思博伦GNSS模拟......

首先先确定我们对价钱的定义,ASP(average selling price)平均......

全开源的软硬件及上位机支持,支持windos和linux Stock can并且都免驱,且支持Python。

STM32F103的CAN收发通信过程;这里推荐一个国外的超级好用的开源工具CANable,有完全开源的软硬件及上位机支持,支持windos和linux Stock can并且都免驱,且支......

们引入艾斯达克团队改造升级的新产品——i-Stock semi magazine stocker,这是一款具有前瞻性的解决方案,专门为存放die芯片与Lead Frame引线框架而设计。

可编程波形发生器 AD9833模块及测试实验(2023-05-19)
可编程波形发生器 AD9833模块及测试实验;1. 该模块是购置于淘宝
GY9833: Price: 6.85。
2. 测试实验板
(1) Hardware......

意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设(2022-12-23)
意法半导体TouchGFX Stock简化并加快在STM32 MCU上用户界面设;2022 年 12 月 23 日,中国—TouchGFX软件包最新版本进一步简化在 微控......

大电视晶片出货及市占率趋势 (000s)
Source: TV Cost & Price Forecast Model 4Q22 Analysis......

以全股份交易(all-stock transaction)方式完成对赛灵思(Xilinx)的收购。

英国上市计划“泡汤”?传Arm将赴美上市;据彭博社报道,银集团旗下的Arm决定暂时不在伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)出售股票,未来将专注于在美国上市。由于......

芯片交货期连9月缩短 分析师示警过剩风险(2023-03-16)
消息冲击美国半导体类股15日走势疲弱。芯片股的关键基准费城证券交易所半导体指数(Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semiconductor Index)15日下跌1.09%(32.76点......

【供应商亮点】Leopard Imaging在2024嵌入式视觉峰会上发布RGB(2024-06-07)
【供应商亮点】Leopard Imaging在2024嵌入式视觉峰会上发布RGB;本文引用地址:Source:Marin Tomas/Stock Photos via Getty......

U.S. finalizes noise rules on ‘quiet cars’(2016-11-17)
Friday’s closing price. Elliott Management, which owns 8.1 percent of Mentor’s shares, backed the offer......
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