
;=0){rt_kprintf("The number of people is emptyn");continue;}else{people_num--;rt_kprintf("The num......
community. People with hearing loss can be confident that telephones compliant with the new TIA......
《子弹风暴》重制版明年面市;已面市许久且销量低于预期的《子弹风暴》旧作由波兰游戏工作室People Can Fly开发,EA负责发行。   现根据巴西分级委员会泄露出的信息可知,该作......
时间情况恰恰相反。 Very much to our surprise and excitement, all people started taking out chips from living rooms......
short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life......
Tecnotree与People+AI合作推动开放云计算基础设施和人工智能标准化;人工智能、5G 和云原生技术全球数字平台和服务领导者Tecnotree宣布与非营利组织EkStep基金......
:Canon EOS 5D Mark II 及 Sigma DG OS HSM 150–600 mm f/5–f/6.3 组别:People & Space 作品:City Lights 摄影......
 a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. 否则你能只盯着空空如也的画布就创造出艺术作品吗?否则......
technical expertise; People development, successionplanning Resource allocation 任职......
);     key_Handle(key_value);     APP_Handle();          if(PEOPLE==1)     {       people_flag=10......
财富减少了 93 亿美元,再加上世界其他国家的富豪,昨日全球富豪们的资产总共缩水了 410 亿美元。 The World’s Richest People Lose $41 Billion......
shows autonomous car acceptance is a gradual process In self-driving-car crashes, most people think......
名是"Optics for People"(光学服务于人类)的缩写,并蕴含"为人们提供实用的光学产品,让每个人都能充分享受这个能力得到增强的世界"这一企业理念。公司......
is replacing 5,800 people with machines, at a cost of $2 billion (本文由 T客邦 授权转载;首图来源:Flickr/JD......
people out of a job Skype co-founders launch a company with a mission to make local delivery free......
people out of a job Skype co-founders launch a company with a mission to make local delivery free......
is replacing 5,800 people with machines, at a cost of $2 billion (本文由 T客邦 授权转载;首图来源:Flickr/JD......
能执行首次发射。 Boeing CEO: the first people on Mars will arrive on a Boeing rocket (首图来源:Pixabay) 延伸阅读: 如何......
能执行首次发射。 Boeing CEO: the first people on Mars will arrive on a Boeing rocket (首图来源:Pixabay) 延伸阅读: 如何......
为什么波兰人可以到而日本人不能;如果说CDPR的《狩魔猎人》因为成功输出波兰文化成为一线国宝,那Techland(死亡岛、消逝的光芒)、People Can Fly(斩妖除魔、子弹风暴、战争......
为合作并探索的数字化运营运维转型,坚持基于人员、平台、流程及标准的3P+1C(People, Platform, Process, Criteria)转型理念,与华为合作包括智能运维、网络优化、体验......
与华为合作并探索的数字化运营运维转型,坚持基于人员、平台、流程及标准的3P+1C(People, Platform, Process, Criteria)转型理念,与华为合作包括智能运维、网络......
suspicion that designs have been modified in such a way that people might put in something......
-Vision Algorithm Learns to Judge People by Their Faces (首图来源:Flickr/David Jones CC BY 2.0) 如需获取更多资讯,请关......
这笔巨额税款,爱尔兰政府计划将其用于基础设施建设,包括交通、教育和医疗等领域,以提升国家的整体竞争力。 然而,People Before Profit联盟呼吁将这笔钱用于解决住房危机上,特别是建设社会住房,以应......
用是能够造福人类和社会。 5 家科技巨头共同成立的 AI 组织就叫做“The Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society......
用是能够造福人类和社会。 5 家科技巨头共同成立的 AI 组织就叫做“The Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society......
为本(People Matter)’理念的充分认可与肯定。博世始终相信,业务的成功离不开我们员工的卓越贡献。围绕业务转型,为人才可持续发展保驾护航是我们的责任。” ▲博世......
、Facebook、Flickr、Vimeo、iTunes 甚至是 MySpace;在 2011 年时上线 We the People 请愿网站;在 2013 年时,第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴......
will operate. Possible   32 # values are share, user, server, domain and ads. Most people will want   33......
犯人生活状况和推动司法系统公平性上的巨大作用。 How Algorithms Could Help Keep People Out of Jail (本文由 雷锋网 授权转载) 如需获取更多资讯,请关注微信公众账号:半导......
be useful or necessary. Well… it wasn’t clear to most people. It was crystal clear to Tuttle. 采访......
观众表示此体验区让他们直观感受到了旭化成的技术加持对提升普通人施救效率及成功率的帮助,相信能够为医疗救援作出巨大贡献。 而在AK x“绿色社会”展区,旭化成则重点展示了其基于“Care for People”和“Care for Earth”的双视角,为实......
的办公政策等来帮助员工平衡生活和工作。“我们对于人才的承诺,People Matters,也充分落实在最新的雇主价值主张里,那就是Grow(成长,定义不凡),Enjoy(生活,定格乐活),Inspire(灵感,慧启世界)”李晓......
的办公政策等来帮助员工平衡生活和工作。“我们对于人才的承诺,People Matters,也充分落实在最新的雇主价值主张里,那就是Grow(成长,定义不凡),Enjoy(生活,定格乐活),Inspire(灵感,慧启......
帮助客户实现安全运营的简化和现代化,并有效管理和保护混合云身份的安全。 Closeup group of Asian people software developers using computer to write......
学人 我们的国家建立在一个基本理念之上:由我们选出的人(the people we elect)来管理政府。然而,美国......
之前,6月12日,平新郡新造工业区维新精准模具有限责任公司(从事机械模具生产)与越南Cloth & People有限责任公司两家工厂同时发现3例确诊后也被封锁。 对此,越南......
的办公政策等来帮助员工平衡生活和工作。“我们对于人才的承诺,People Matters,也充分落实在最新的雇主价值主张里,那就是Grow(成长,定义不凡),Enjoy(生活,定格乐活),Inspire(灵感,慧启世界)” 李晓......
开发智能家居摄像头和物联网设备的客户授权高精度AI解决方案。我们已将Plumerai People Detection AI软件移植到全新RA8D1 MCU上。这一MCU包含功能强大的Arm Cortex-M85 CPU和......
方案。我们已将Plumerai People Detection AI软件移植到全新RA8D1 MCU上。这一MCU包含功能强大的Arm Cortex-M85 CPU和Helium矢量扩展;与使用Arm......
博世中国践行‘以人为本(People Matter)’理念的充分认可与肯定。博世始终相信,业务的成功离不开我们员工的卓越贡献。围绕业务转型,为人才可持续发展保驾护航是我们的责任。” 作为......
开发智能家居摄像头和物联网设备的客户授权高精度AI解决方案。我们已将Plumerai People Detection AI软件移植到全新RA8D1 MCU上。这一MCU包含功能强大的Arm Cortex-M85 CPU和Helium矢量......
博世中国践行‘以人为本(People Matter)’理念的充分认可与肯定。博世始终相信,业务的成功离不开我们员工的卓越贡献。围绕业务转型,为人才可持续发展保驾护航是我们的责任。” 作为......
表示:“Plumerai面向开发智能家居摄像头和物联网设备的客户授权高精度AI解决方案。我们已将Plumerai People Detection AI软件移植到全新RA8D1 MCU上。这一MCU包含......
, you’ll call my people, you’ll call me, it doesn’t make any difference. 为了(保持创新和增长),任何......


People & Semiconductor;;P&S Corp.(People & Semiconductor) was formed by people that love
and manufacturing toroidal transformers. In Keen Ocean, we believe that people are the most important asset
;People Group;;
with ordinary. We expect the extraordinary in how we do business, in how we interact with people
;38515;;We always take the principle of "Based on People with Intelligence and Customers First
engineering company. We’re also a recognised Investor in People and ISO 14000 company which is something
Than Electronic Components Our most valuable asset is our people. The Future team worldwide
people work with safety and protection as their prime purpose.;
specified as recommended products. Our Bei’er people are devoting oneself to create famous brand
. -We have a staff of more than 400 people, among which more than 80 people are software developers