
发布时间:2024-11-11 09:17:59  
ADRV9044 Functional Block Diagram
ADRV9044 Pin Configuration
ADRV9044 Chip
  • Four differential transmitters (Tx)
  • Four differential receivers (Rx)
  • Two differential observation receivers (ORx)
  • Tunable range: 600 MHz to 6000 MHz
  • Single-band and multiband (N x 2T2R/4T4R) capability
  • Four individual band profiles within tunable range (band profiles define bandwidth and aggregate sampling rate of a channel)
  • ADRV9044BBPZ-WB supports DPD for 400 MHz iBW/OBW
    • Simplifying system thermal solution
    • Power consumption-optimized DFE engines
    • 125°C maximum junction temperature for intermittent operation, 110°C for continuous (operating lifetime impact at >110°C can be offset by operation at <110°C based on acceleration factors)
  • Fully integrated DFE (DPD, CDUC, CDDC, and CFR) engine that reduces FPGAs resources and halves SERDES lane rate
    • DPD adaptation engine for power amplifier linearization
    • CDUC/CDDC—maximum eight component carriers (CCs) per each transmitter/receiver channel
    • Multistage CFR engine
  • Supports DTx (micro sleep) power saving mode in downlink
  • Supports JESD204B and JESD204C digital interface
  • Multichip phase synchronization for all local oscillator (LO) and baseband clocks
  • Dual fully integrated fractional-N RF synthesizers
  • Fully integrated clock synthesizer

The ADRV9044 is a highly integrated, system on chip (SoC) RF agile transceiver with integrated digital front end (DFE). The SoC contains four transmitters, two observation receivers to monitor transmitter channels, four receivers, integrated LO and clock synthesizers, and digital signal processing functions. The SoC meets the high radio performance and low power consumption demanded by cellular infrastructure applications including small cell base-station radios, macro 3G/4G/5G systems, and massive MIMO base stations.

The receiver and transmitter signal paths use a zero-IF (ZIF) architecture that provides wide bandwidth with dynamic range suitable for contiguous and non-contiguous multi-carrier base-station applications. The ZIF architecture has the benefits of low power plus RF frequency and bandwidth agility. The lack of aliases and out-of-band images eliminate anti-aliasing and image filters. This reduces both system size and cost, also making band independent solutions possible.

The device also includes two wide-bandwidth observation path receiver subsystems to monitor transmitter outputs. This SoC subsystem includes automatic and manual attenuation control, DC offset correction, quadrature error correction (QEC), and digital filtering. GPIOs that provide an array of digital control options are also integrated.

Multi-band capability is enabled by additional LO dividers and wideband operation. This allows two individuals band profiles within the tunable range, so maximizing use case flexibility.

The SoC has fully integrated DFE functionality, which includes carrier digital up/down conversion (CDUC and CDDC), crest factor reduction (CFR), digital predistortion (DPD), closed-loop gain control (CLGC) and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) monitor.

The CDUC feature of the ADRV9044 filters and places individual component carriers within the band of interest. The CDDC feature, with its eight parallel paths, processes each carrier individually before sending over the serial data interface.

The CDUC and CDDC reduce serialization/deserialization (SERDES) interface data rates in non-contiguous carrier configurations. This integration also reduces power compared to an equivalent FPGA based implementation.

The CFR engine of the ADRV9044 reduces the peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the input signal, which enables higher efficiency transmit line ups while reducing the processing load on baseband processors.

The SoC also contains a fully integrated DPD engine for use in power amplifier linearization. The DPD enables the high-efficiency power amplifiers, which reduce the power consumption of base-station radios and the number of SERDES lanes interfacing with baseband processors. The DPD engine incorporates a dedicated long-term DPD (LT-DPD) block, which provides the support for GaN power amplifiers. The ADRV9044 tackles charge-trapping property of GaN power amplifiers with its LT-DPD block, hence improving the emissions and error vector magnitude (EVM). The SoC includes an ARM Cortex-A55 quad core processor to independently serve DPD, CLGC, and VSWR monitor features. The dedicated processor, together with the DPD engine, provides industry leading DPD performance.

The serial data interface consists of eight serializer and deserializer lanes. The interface supports the JESD204C standards, and both fixed and floating-point data formats are supported. The floatingpoint format allows internal automatic gain control (AGC) to be transparent to the baseband processor.

The ADRV9044 is powered directly from 0.8 V, 1.0 V, and 1.8 V regulators and is controlled through a standard SPI serial port. The comprehensive power-down modes are included to minimize the power consumption in normal use. The device is packaged in a 27 mm × 20 mm, 736-ball grid array.


    3G/4G/5G time division duplex (TDD)/frequency division duplex (FDD) small cell, massive MIMO, and macro base stations
. .


API Device Drivers

Device Application Programming Interface (API) C code drivers provided as reference code allows the user to quickly configure the product using high-level function calls. The library acts as an abstraction layer between the application and the hardware. The API is developed in C99 to ensure agnostic processor and operating system integration. Customers can port this application layer code to their embedded systems/ Baseband Processor by integrating their platform-specific code base to the API HAL layer. To request this software package, go to the Software Request Form signed in with your MyAnalog account and under “Target Technology option - select “Wireless Communications" and choose processor/SOC as "ADRV9040 or ADRV9044" , select the check box as well and submit the form. You will receive an email notification with a link for software download.


部分模型 产品周期 描述



0.1 GHz至6 GHz硅SP5T开关

超低噪声稳压器 1


具有超低噪声的18V/16A降压型Silent Switcher 3

大规模MIMO接收器前端IC 2


双通道,3.3 GHz至4.0 GHz,20 W接收器前端


双通道,3.3 GHz至4.0 GHz,20 W接收器前端

多个输出降压调节器 1



时钟产生器件 1



时钟同步 1


IEEE1588 第 2 版以及 1 pps 同步器和自适应时钟转换器

增益模块 2


30 MHz 至 6 GHz RF/IF 增益模块


30 MH z 至6 GH z RF/IF增益模块

ADRV904x Evaluation GUI SW Pkg.

The ADRV904x Evaluation GUI package contains the ACE installation and the ADRV9040 plugin required for evaluation. with ADRv904x evaluation board. For Software package including API , firmware binary etc , please fill the software request form above.


评估套件 2

reference details image


reference details image


ADS10-V1EBZ Evaluation Board


工具及仿真模型 2

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