
北京信和瑞丰科技有限公司,为中国智能委员会委员,专门从事楼宇自控产品的研发、生产、销售和服务的高新技术企业有多年的楼宇自控领域的相关经验,专注于“楼宇自控和变风量(VAV)系统”。 我公司于2002年成立至今,一直致力于对楼宇自控和变风量(VAV)系统的研究和开发。自2004年推出具有独立知识产权的WinSmart BAS系统后,广泛应用于宾馆、饭店、写字楼及商场等领域,得到用户的好评,同时被北京市高新技术产业开发区认定为“高新技术产品”,获得多项专利评审并通过ISO 9001质量体系认证。同时我公司为日本山武公司华北区的系统首席代理商,向用户提供山武公司全套楼宇自控产品,包括系统控制软件、DDC控制器、传感器、电动调节阀、蝶阀及风阀执行器等。 Beijing Credit Ruifeng Technology Co.,LTD(CRF), one of Intelligent Building Committee of China Construction Industry Association, focuses on research, design, manufacture, and services in the HVAC controls. We have nearly 10 years of relevant experience in the HVAC controls. Since our founding in 2002, we have been engaged in the research and development (R&D) of the HVAC controls. The WinSmart BAS System was identified as “new and high-tech product”by Beijing High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone. At the same time, as the chief agent of Yamatake corporation of Japan in the North and East of China, we provide all Yamatake’s BA products, including BMS, DDC, sensors, control valves, butterfly valves, actuators and etc.