ADI任命Alan Lee为首席技术官(2023-04-26)
, business plans, product offerings, initiatives, and objectives; expected trends, including market......
-R M.[IMT.FRAMEWORK FOR 2030 AND BEYOND], Framework and overall objectives of the future development......
紫光展锐发布全新6G白皮书,展望泛在融合发展蓝图(2023-10-20 09:51)
ITU-R M.[IMT.FRAMEWORK FOR 2030 AND BEYOND], Framework and overall objectives of the future......
ADI任命Alan Lee为首席技术官(2023-04-26)
, product offerings, initiatives, and objectives; expected trends, including market and industry trends......
, and objectives; hiring and retaining personnel; expected trends, including market and industry trends......
绩效变革由百度元老崔珊珊推动,引入员工考核系统OKR(Objectives and Key Results),使百度全面“去KPI化”。
, liquidity, capital structure or other financial items; costs; and plans and objectives of management......
that ambitious objectives become lasting realities.;
lead time are the primary objectives of our operations. Along with a fast engineering
market place. One of our objectives is to find new foreign and domestic manufactures looking
partners. We believe that our objectives can only be achieved with well-trained and motivated employees
products and service. The company's long-term development objectives: to conduct accurate market
. These pronounced objectives are achieved through our work culture of commitment, industry awareness
some of the industry’s best. With clear cut strategies and well defined objectives, the team has