If the system board that you have is not listed, then you will need
to port U-Boot to your hardware platform. To do this, follow these
1. Add a new configuration option for your board to the toplevel
'Makefile' and to the 'MAKEALL' script, using the existing
entries as examples. Note that here and at many other places
boards and other names are listed in alphabetical sort order. Please
keep this order.
2. Create a new directory to hold your board specific code. Add any
files you need. In your board directory, you will need at least
the 'Makefile', a '
3. Create a new configuration file 'include/configs/
3. If you're porting U-Boot to a new CPU, then also create a new
directory to hold your CPU specific code. Add any files you need.
4. Run 'make
5. Type 'make', and you should get a working 'u-boot.srec' file
to be installed on your target system.
6. Debug and solve any problems that might arise.
[Of course, this last step is much harder than it sounds.]
U-Boot Porting Guide:
[Based on messages by Jerry Van Baren in the U-Boot-Users mailing
list, October 2002]
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sighandler_t no_more_time;
signal(SIGALRM, no_more_time);
alarm(PROJECT_DEADLINE - toSec (3 * WEEK));
if (available_money > available_manpower) {
Pay consultant to port U-Boot;
return 0;
Download latest U-Boot source;
Subscribe to u-boot mailing list;
if (clueless)
email('Hi, I am new to U-Boot, how do I get started?');
while (learning) {
Read the README file in the top level directory;
Read http://www.denx.de/twiki/bin/view/DULG/Manual;
Read applicable doc/*.README;
Read the source, Luke;
/* find . -name '*.[chS]' | xargs grep -i
if (available_money > toLocalCurrency ($2500))
Buy a BDI3000;
Add a lot of aggravation and time;
if (a similar board exists) { /* hopefully... */
cp -a board/
cp include/configs/
} else {
Create your own board support subdirectory;
Create your own board include/configs/
Edit new board/
Edit new include/configs/
while (!accepted) {
while (!running) {
do {
Add / modify source code;
} until (compiles);
if (clueless)
email('Hi, I am having problems...');
Send patch file to the U-Boot email list;
if (reasonable critiques)
Incorporate improvements from email list code review;
Defend code as written;
return 0;
void no_more_time (int sig)