东莞市多彩电子有限公司是一家专业生产高档HDMI高清线加工,HDMI高清线OEM/ODM贴牌生产厂.集HDMI高清线研发,设计,销售为一体的专业公司。多彩电子公司主要为全球知名品牌贴牌高档HDMI高清线生产和服务,目前远销欧.日.美市场,工厂月生产力HDMI高清线十万条以上,品质合格率百分之百。为全球知名公司在HDMI高清线OEM/ODM创造多项第一.多彩公司的核心人员来自HDMI高清线行业十年以上的专业团队. 我们将继续秉持“信誉第一、质量第一、客户第一、服务第一”的经营理念,励精图治、艰苦创业、不断追求、不断进取,为客户提供优质服务、为员工创造机会、为社会创造效益,实现产品国际化、专业化,管理现代化、科学化。 多彩电子竭诚希望与您一起携手拼搏,缔造宏伟蓝图!Dongguan Colourful Electronics CO.,LTD, is a professional high-level HDMI cable manufacturer, who is specialized in HDMI cable manufacturing, R&D, marketing and after sales-service. At present, our products are exported totally to Europe, Japan, America and so on, the total output of one month is more than 10 thousand strips, and the quality conforms to international standard with strict quality control system. All our core work-team has more than 10 years working experience on HDMI field. We will insist on the tenet of “reputation first, quality first, customers first, service first”. Work hard to strength internal management and to internationalize our products. We provide good services for customers provide developing opportunities for employees and create benefit for our society. We sincerely hope to cooperate with you together to built a mutual benefit and a better development in the near future.