天孚控股集团有限公司成立于1996年,座落于世界闻名的小商城――义乌。公司拥有10万余平方米的现代化的厂房,主要生产普通(BOPP)胶带、医用胶带、特种胶带(汽车、电子胶带等)。经过十多年的努力,我司已发展成为集压敏胶研发、涂布为一体的胶粘带专业生产厂家和出口基地,产品远销美国、日本、韩国、中东、非洲等三十多个国家和地区;在国内,我司以过硬的产品品质和强有力的创新能力服务于客户。2007年,“公元”被评为中国驰名商标! 在未来的发展中,我们将严格执行ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系,本着“诚信创造无限”的经营理念,不断改革创新,继续保持我司在胶粘带行业的领先地位。 TANF HOLDING GROUP was established in 1996, which located in the worldwide famous commodity city ―Yiwu city, Zhejiang, China. Our company covers about 100,000 square meters’ modern factory space. We specialize in manufacturing BOPP tape, medical tape, special tape (automotive tape and electronic tape, etc). For more than 10 years’ developing, our company has become a professional manufacturer and exporter in research of acrylic adhesive and tape coating. Our tapes have been sold far to America, Japan, Korea, Middle East, Africa and other 30 countries. With the high quality and strong innovation ability, “公元” became the Well-known Chinese Trademark in 2007. Meanwhile, we will continue to strictly actualize the ISO9001 and ISO14001 during the production procedure. Holing the tent of “Honesty creates unlimited cooperation opportunity”, we will keep on innovation and stay ahead in adhesive tapes’ filed.