福州南硕电子有限公司是一家集红外线感应洁具研发、生产与销售的专业化卫浴制造企业。公司现有丰硕感应洁具、西卡感应洁具、诺美特感应洁具三大品牌。 公司位于感应洁具制造集中区---福州,历经数年不断地学习与技术创新,秉承要做就做最好的理念,坚持品质、节水、便利为公司努力的目标,以期能为社会略尽绵薄之力! 公司现已拥有红外线感应水龙头、小便感应冲水器、便器感应冲水器、感应烘手器、干肤干发器等自动卫浴系列产品;主要应用于写字楼、宾馆、娱乐场所、医院、工厂等公共场所及别墅等私家寓所。 公司信守品质为先的原则,关注每个细节,部份产品采用协力企业台湾原装精工电磁阀,使用寿命更长;全闭式集成电路设计,台湾芯片,工作性能更稳定。 公司为每位尊贵的客户提供五年产品品质保证;全国直设办事处和代理商为您提供售前、售中、售后体贴尽心的咨询和维护服务。 Fuzhou Niso (Fisoo)Electronic Co.,Ltd.is a company combined with manufactured、sale、and R&D.Our lying in Fzhou-China East Sea and center of the economic zone on the west side of Taiwan Straits, With many years' technical innovation and rapid development, has grown-up a medium size enterprise, which insist on providing the best quality to their customers that all over the world. Now company's series product are range from utomatic Faucet、Automatic Urinal Flusher、 Autotic Toilet Flusher、Automatic Hand Dryer、Automatic & Hair Dryer and so on. Mainly aimed on hotel、entertainlace、hospital、factory、public well as personal home. Our product's main spare parts are come from Taiwan;For example Microchip is come from Taiwan. Special designed by closed circuit running, make product alwaysworking stable. We guaran-tee our customer five years' warranty, provide.