尊敬的客户:我公司承接脱漆、除锈、脱脂除油等金属表面清洗加工订单。并生产经营脱漆剂、除锈剂、脱脂除油剂、溶剂天那水;粘合剂、密封胶 (bostik合作伙伴); 水处理药剂等系列化工产品。公司拥有先进的设备设施及高科技专业人才,在软硬件同时具备的条件下,使产品深受海内外客户的一致好评,建立了稳固的客户群。公司秉承"顾客至上,锐意进取"的经营理念,坚持"客户第一"的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。产品质量保证、价格公道、是您解觉技术难题和降低采购成本的首选!希望您给我一个合作的机会!根据需要,对以上产品我司可提供免费小批试用,只要您一个电话,公司可为您上门服务,交流解决问题。欢迎来电垂询!或来厂莅临指导!Dear Valued Customer,Our company succeed in remove the paint, rust, Grease which Attach to medal surface and we also Provide paint remover, rust remover, solvent, thinner, adhesive, sealant, sewage treatment products and so on.Our company are equiped with Advanced Equipments and Professional specialists. On the condition, our products are pupular with all kinds of customers. we also make with stationary clientbase.We believe the business concept of customer orientated and eager to progress, we are eager to provide excellent services. Quality first,client first and reasonable price. Our campany be willing to became one of your best suppiers. We are dying for your opportunity of cooperation. if necessary ,We can provide a small amount of Sample above. Once you call us, we can provide door to door service if necessary be, we can get over the trouble together.We Welcome your telphone call, we welcome your visit!