南海致胜电器厂,有十多年的硅钢铁芯制造经验,一直秉承客户至上的原则。为全国各地的变压器厂家供应优质的变压器.器材。经过十多年的努力发展拥有一批长期的合作伙伴,为将来的电工、电器市场,打造更好铁芯质量,本着诚信经营,互利互惠,真诚合作的原则。希望与更多的企业合作,携手共创美好的明天!Nanhai zhisheng electric device Co. Ltd. have more than decade experience on manufacturing silicon&steel electric accessories, we offer various reliable quality products to meet all kinds of transformers demand. we owned a lot of long-term business partners at past ten years. in the new business situation, we will keep dedicate to our job to provide the best quality products to electric industry. We welcome and looking forward to working with you more sincerely and create our new bright future!