
盐城市泽峰胶带有限公司(原泽峰胶业化学).是江苏地区专业生产销售各种胶带的企业之一。 自有品牌--顺风胶带,用过它,您会相信它! 泽峰的过去离不开您们的帮助和支持,我们恳请您对我们公司包括我们个人多提宝贵批评和建议。我们将视您的意见为我们前进的动力。泽峰的今天因您而风发,您的明天会因泽峰而留芳。 我们深知创业和守业不易,同时我们也知晓品牌的培养的艰辛。我们把胶带是当成事业来做的而不是简单化的卖出胶带;所以我们把每一个客户都作为是我们的好朋友;我们保持最朴素的商业伦理---产品质量过得硬,价格为同类品质产品价格最低战略方针;做该做的事,赚合理的利润。坚持与客户和供应商之间的密切合作和亲密互动.坚持诚信务实的经营之道! 2010年我们将继续秉承--模仿与创造的经营理念,我们的发展与创造要让我们的员工受惠,客户受惠。 请给我们互相认识的机会,并在合作中建立信任和友谊!当我们双手握在一起的时候便有了缘分!Ze Feng Tape Co., Ltd. Yancheng (Harasawa propolis chemical industry). Is a professional production and sales of Jiangsu Province, one of a variety of tape. Own brand - the wind belt, used it, you will believe it! Ze peak of the past can not do without your help and support, we urge you to our company, including our individual more valuable comments and suggestions. We will be depending on your opinion of your forward momentum for us. Ze-peak today because you are the spirit, your future because of Chak Peak and Liu-fang. We know that business and in setting is not easy, and we know the brand of hard training. So we put every customers as our friends; we maintain the most simple business ethics --- hard life of the product quality, price is the minimum price of similar quality strategic approach; to do the right thing, make a reasonable profit . With customers and suppliers adhere to the close cooperation between and close interaction. Uphold integrity and pragmatic business management! We will continue to uphold the 2010 - Imitation and Creation of business philosophy, our development and to create and allow our employees to benefit, the benefit of clients. Please give us the opportunity to know each other and cooperate in the establishment of trust and friendship! When both hands together when we have a destiny!