杭州法珀激光科技有限公司是按照《公司法》规范设立的研制开发具有自主知识产权的激光及相关光学、光电子仪器的专业公司。公司由朝气蓬勃的光电子英才及经验丰富的专家组成!研发的各种科研和高等教学用激光及相关光学测试、调制、演示仪器以其创新理念、独到设计,可靠性能立于光电子产品之林。热诚欢迎广大用户来电垂询,莅临公司参观指导!主营激光器;激光器、F-P扫描干涉仪(激光模式分析仪);声光衍射/调制仪;声光Q开关、干涉环自动判向计数系统等等;Our company, Hangzhou FAPO Laser Technology Inc. (杭州法珀激光), devotes to reasearch and product the instruments and devices of lasers and correlated optoelectronics with the initiative intellectual property. Our team is composed of vigorous optoelectronic talents and senior profrssors. Our products aim to scientific work and college education, which characters with creative idear, special design, and reliable specifications. Our major products include LASERS (Pulsed Nd:YAG with frequency doubling, etc.); SCANNING F-P INTERFEROMETERS; ACOUSTOOPTIC DIFFRACTION/MODULATION INSTRUMENTS; ACOUSTOOPTIC Q-SWITCHES; AUTO-IDENTIFYING AND COUNTING RINGS FOR VARIOUS INTERFEROMETERS.