Great Marking (HK) Industry CO.,Limited

GMK 今天拥有广泛的高品质的产品,给您的产品赋予更高的价值,同时给您的客户带来方便。出色的表现,使GMK成为世界上最受欢迎的电子产品制造商及销售商之一,特别是频率控制设备市场。
现在GMK 已经在生产石英晶振,陶瓷晶振,钟振及晶体滤波器等行业积累了10年的经验。产品广泛应用在计算机、通讯、电视, 声学设备,电子产业等领域。
GMK brings high value to your products and convenience to your customers with the most diverse range of high-quality available today.
With outstanding performance, GMK achieve the worldwide popular manufacturer and vendor in the electronic components especially in frequency control devices market. At this moment, GMK has accumulated about 10 years of experience for quartz crystals, ceramic resonators, bell resonators and crystal filter and so on. Products are wildly applied in the field of computer, communication, TV set, acoustics equipment, and electronic industry etc.