
本公司长期向各工业、企事业单位上门高价回收电子类仓库积压产品,闲置物品,库存设备,废旧产品等。是以回收、利用、加工、销售为一体的综合性服务公司。本公司竭诚为各企事业单位提供、快速、高效、热情周到的服务。我们的宗旨:让闲置的资产动起来,变废为宝,循环再利用,取之于民用之于民,服务于社会!BA FANG is a Hong Kong company which is engaged in environmental protection .We have a group of outstanding environmental protection experts as the backbone,and have the strong experience in processing,we are based on the advanced processing equipment. For Hong Kong Hengsang bank, Standard Chartered bank, HONGKONG BANK CORPORATION this three bank do the environmental processing word and secret work ,we obtains the approve identically ,and are based on the contract.we cooperated with HUAWEI company ,XINCHEN company and LENOVO company ,and so on. We have also been certified ISO14001 environmental protection in Hong Kong and strictly in accordance with environmental regulations in Hong Kong to deal with all the items ,take the road of innovation, Hand in hand for the communal development!