公司简介 我公司自主研发产品:1.气动蠕动式机器人,领先于国内技术水平,已经成为2006国家创新基金创业项目;2.多用途多功能半导体照明系统,是国内第一个实现单体LED灯具有256种色彩变化的产品;3.MY-系列节电器,具有高效节能、绿色环保等特点,适用于高压钠灯、高压汞灯、金属卤化物灯等城市道路照明、小区道路照明系统,工作温度在-40℃~80℃之间,能适应全国各地气温。The company develops the products: 1, Pneumatic Squirming Robot, which reaches breakthrough the same products and leads technical level of China. It has been the venture project of the country in 2006.2,multifunctional semiconductor lighting system,This product is the first one that the single LED lighting has 256 types colors.3, MY-Series Power Saverhas the features of efficiency and green. It fits for high-pressure sodium lamp, high-pressure mercury lamp, metal halide lamp and all road lamp of the city, road lamp of communities. The temperature of the work is -40°C--80°C.It is suitable for the temperature of all over the world.