We, LankeTec International limited is a growth oriented independent worldwide distributor of semiconductors, electronics components, specializing in ICs, Memory, chips,Sensor, Transistors, Diodes and passives (Cap, Resistors, and Inductors etc.). Our abundant inventory availability is supplemented through a global network of domestic and overseas suppliers ensuring our customers the best possible pricing on materials as well as confident access to obsolete, shortage ,urgent and hard to find components . Our Global services include sourcing, long term cost down forecast orders, consignment, JIT delivery, and BOM kitting.
蓝科泰国际有限公司以全球现货市场为依托,以香港为中心,以深圳为枢纽,专注为全球EMS电子制造商提供优质的电子元器件分销服务。依靠完善的网络系统和信息数据库系统我们利用先进的电子商务平台及完善的仓储、运输、质检等系列服务帮助全球客户最快获取紧缺电子元器件,,专营紧缺主动组件(各类集成电路IC、SENSOR IC、二、三极管、内存芯片)和紧缺被动元器件(电容电阻、电感、连接器等).满足客户紧急需求,一旦我们的库存中没有您所需的元器件,我们将立即通过我们的全球网络资源进行采购,在最短的时间内为您提供您所需求的元器件.