
(RISIP)深圳市瑞思普照明技术有限公司注册资金500万,主要从事LED研发生产加工兼进出口贸易。 公司拥有面积3000平米的LED灯饰生产工厂,产品种类完善,主营LED日光灯、球泡灯、天花灯、筒灯、射灯、吸顶灯、厨卫灯、面板灯、灯条、发光字、模组、点光源、投光灯、工矿灯等等LED产品。还可来样定做加工任何LED产品。至力为全球专业买家提供高性价的产品。 拥有专业的技术团队,精细做工,严把质量关,质量监督高标准,产品服务最完善,售前售后致力保障客户权益!为各户省钱,省心。 全国网点全面销售,并在深圳宝安机场物流中心,拥有仓库,方便厂家送货后,能通过航空物流和国际快递直接发货到全球各地。 经营理念: Responsibility(责任) ----- R Integrity(诚信) ------------ I Save(节省) ---------------- S Immediate(即时)---------- I Professional(专业)-------- P 选择和瑞思普合作,瑞思普的优势: 1.交货期超短,70%有大量库存,代理商无需备库存。 2.质量优,库存产品是大批量生产出来的,质量稳定性能优。 3.性价比高,产品是经过工程部和采购部对比挑选出来的。 4.服务有保障,核心团队,为你提供技术支持,商务配合,质量保证。 二十年LED技术及生产经验,厂价直销,平均比批发节省20%以上,比零售节省50%以上) 瑞思普提供以下合作方式: 1.代理瑞思普系列产品。 2.委托研发生产加工()。 3.(EMC)合作伙伴。 4.市政工程项目,国家级施工资质合作。 5.室内照明设计方案,户外亮化设计。 Choose To Cooperate with RISIP ,The Advantages of RISIP 1.Short delivery time, There are stock for 70% of the products, Agency no need to prepare stock. 2.High quality, the stock are the balance for the bulk products. 3.Cost-performance ratio is high, the products are selected by both engineering department and purchasing department. 4.Perfect service, the whole team provides you technical support, business cooperation and quality assurance. 20 years LED technical and producing experience, direct manufacturers, can supply you with the price 20% lower than wholesaling,50% lower than retail. RISIP provide below cooperate items. 1.Agent RISIP’s products 2.OEM/ODM 3.Partner on EMC 4.Government engineering projects, national level construction cooperation. 5.Interior & Outdoor Lighting Design