益进电子企业有限公司专营半导体元件,存储器IC、 MCU 、线性 IC 、消费类 IC 、逻辑 IC 、放大器 IC 、电阻电容,高频三极管、变容二极管、光电元器件等。
益进电子企业的实时库存查询系统:www.chipic.net,为客户在3000万种以上的电子元器件现货库存中,找到所需产品的实时库存及价格,为用户提供全球范围内的最可靠的现货库存供应信息。益进电子企业为您提供美国各大代理商实时的在线库存及价格查询,同时为您提供最便捷的100%原厂质量保证的元器件海外代购/采购服务。代购流程如下: 1. 在线查询所需产品型号。 2. 确定代理商供货价格,货期信息。 如果没有查询到所需型号,可以通过在线服务提交您的产品型号,我们将有专人为您服务。 3. 如果确定需要通过益进电子企业代购,详情咨询在线服务或者电话联系我们:0755-82544219。 4. 签订代购协议。 5. 美国采购,国内交货。
We are an all-inclusive stockiest and a global distributor of excess inventories and specialize in redistributing these materials to manufacturers, exporters and large quantity users. Our trade markets include North America, Europe, and Asia. The people and staff at Easywin Enterprise are leaders in their fields and have many years experience not only in this industry but in horizontal and vertical markets also. That's why we can identify available stocks within hours and get the parts to you within a matter of days. And so...We excel at locating obsolete, legacy and hard to find items and we are equipped to do "World Wide" product searches.