金昊三扬环保机械有限公司位于风景秀丽的诸城市高新经济技术开发区,这里曾经是上古明君舜帝出生耕种的地方,民风淳朴,人文底蕴深厚,轻工业高新技术产业发达集中,在全国处于领先地位。 金昊三扬――通过品牌的建立,经过十余年经营与发展,不仅在国内已成为行业领军企业,产销量居全国前列;在另一个更广阔的天地里,更是走出了自己特色的产业路径。“金昊三扬”品牌系列产品以远销欧盟、东盟、中东地区,为金昊三扬更快、更新、更高的发展,奠定了坚实的基础。诸城金昊三扬环保机械有限公司是一家集生产加工、经销批发的有限责任公司,环保机械、造纸机械、屠宰机械、焚烧炉、污水处理设备、地埋式污水处理、医疗垃圾焚烧炉、氨氮吹脱塔、曝气机、压滤机、气浮机、滗水器是诸城金昊三扬环保机械有限公司的主营产品。诸城金昊三扬环保机械有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。诸城金昊三扬环保机械有限公司以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。诸城金昊三扬环保机械有限公司热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。Zhucheng Jinhaosanyang Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a new high-tech company. Our company is a prestigious, formal, large-scale and environmental protection machinery manufacturer in China, and has an absolute competitive strength in the field.Our company has 300 employees, including technical and management staff members of more than 50. Our company has the advantages of processing technology, large-scale equipment, specialized personnel, design experience, and advanced technology force. We have cooperated with environmental experts and design professors in famous universities and institutions, independently developing production sewage treatment equipment, filtration equipment, pulping equipment and boiler dedusting equipment. We are a comprehensive mechanical equipment development enterprise.Relying on existing conditions, we research and develop the internationally advanced technology. Our company has developed a variety of highly automated and reliable sewage treatment equipment. Products are sold throughout the world, such as Egypt, Vietnam, New Zealand, Finland, the Netherlands, Australia and other countries and regions.