
广州市鸿泰通讯有限公司(荔湾部)是网壳、清水套、超级保护套等产品专业生产加工的个体经营,直属于广州市鸿泰电子有限公司,公司总部设在广州市荔湾区西堤二马路南太批发市场1楼A152-3档,广州市鸿泰电子有限公司(荔湾部)拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。广州市鸿泰电子有限公司(荔湾部)的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临广州市鸿泰电子有限公司(荔湾部)参观、指导和业务洽谈。Hong Tai Communication specialty produce Water Case,like Diamond wave case,Matting silicon case;Matting crystal case;Super protector case;Net cover,many designs are available,such as spray paint(rubberized or shiny);design print by heat-transfer(using heat-transfer techniques,complete pattern of the protector front and back,third dimension,textured leather feel);laser cut design;water print design;electroplate design;mold-leather(Using hot-press technique,is better than stick-leather crystal case,firm and textured leather feel) ;stick diamond /bling or setting diamond,and so on.welcome to contact us and visit for the more information.

城市 联系 电话 传真 Email 地址
广东广州 郑叶 020-31271973 020-31271973 西堤二马路8号南太批发市场1楼A152-3;510130