U-Boot移植(13)Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment



U-Boot 1.1.6 (Nov 25 2009 - 22:15:51)
DRAM:  64 MB Flash:  1 MB NAND:  64 MiB *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment



网友henry.li说:估计是你的环境变量保存的位置不正确,环境变量实际上没有保存。 我想想还是很有道理的,否则不会保存不上。。。。也就是没有保存到nandflash上去。。。于是再利用韦东山的补丁u-boot-1.1.6_OpenJTAG_env_on_nand.patch又打上去。。。这个补丁就可保存变量到nandflash上去,这下再试下。。。第一次上电,在dnw下显示如下:

U-Boot 1.1.6 (Nov 27 2009 - 19:33:59)


Flash: 0 kB

NAND: 64 MiB

*** Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment

In:   serial

Out:   serial

Err:   serial

UPLLVal [M:28h,P:1h,S:2h]

MPLLVal [M:5ch,P:4h,S:0h]




| S3C2440A USB Downloader ver R0.03 2004 Jan  |





FORMAT: +++<2>

NOTE: Power off/on or press the reset button for 1 sec

      in order to get a valid USB device address.

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

Booting Linux ...

NAND read: device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0x200000


Reading data from 0x60000 --   0ete.

Reading data from 0x65000 --   1ete.

Reading data from 0x6a200 --   2ete.

Reading data from 0x6f400 --   3ete.

Reading data from 0x74600 --   4ete.

Reading data from 0x79800 --   5ete.

Reading data from 0x7ea00 --   6ete.

Reading data from 0x83c00 --   7ete.

Reading data from 0x88e00 --   8ete.

Reading data from 0x8e000 --   9ete.

Reading data from 0x93200 --  10ete.

Reading data from 0x98400 --  11ete.

Reading data from 0x9d600 --  12ete.

Reading data from 0xa2800 --  13ete.

Reading data from 0xa7a00 --  14ete.

Reading data from 0xacc00 --  15ete.

Reading data from 0xb1e00 --  16ete.

Reading data from 0xb7000 --  17ete.

Reading data from 0xbc200 --  18ete.

Reading data from 0xc1400 --  19ete.

Reading data from 0xc6600 --  20ete.

Reading data from 0xcb800 --  21ete.

Reading data from 0xd0a00 --  22ete.

Reading data from 0xd5c00 --  23ete.

Reading data from 0xdae00 --  24ete.

Reading data from 0xdfe00 --  25ete.

Reading data from 0xe5000 --  26ete.

Reading data from 0xea200 --  27ete.

Reading data from 0xef400 --  28ete.

Reading data from 0xf4600 --  29ete.

Reading data from 0xf9800 --  30ete.

Reading data from 0xfea00 --  31ete.

Reading data from 0x103c00 --  32lete.

Reading data from 0x108e00 --  33lete.

Reading data from 0x10e000 --  34lete.

Reading data from 0x113200 --  35lete.

Reading data from 0x118400 --  36lete.

Reading data from 0x11d600 --  37lete.

Reading data from 0x122800 --  38lete.

Reading data from 0x127a00 --  39lete.

Reading data from 0x12cc00 --  40lete.

Reading data from 0x131e00 --  41lete.

Reading data from 0x137000 --  42lete.

Reading data from 0x13c200 --  43lete.

Reading data from 0x141400 --  44lete.

Reading data from 0x146600 --  45lete.

Reading data from 0x14b800 --  46lete.

Reading data from 0x150a00 --  47lete.

Reading data from 0x155c00 --  48lete.

Reading data from 0x15ae00 --  49lete.

Reading data from 0x15fe00 --  50lete.

Reading data from 0x165000 --  51lete.

Reading data from 0x16a200 --  52lete.

Reading data from 0x16f400 --  53lete.

Reading data from 0x174600 --  54lete.

Reading data from 0x179800 --  55lete.

Reading data from 0x17ea00 --  56lete.

Reading data from 0x183c00 --  57lete.

Reading data from 0x188e00 --  58lete.

Reading data from 0x18e000 --  59lete.

Reading data from 0x193200 --  60lete.

Reading data from 0x198400 --  61lete.

Reading data from 0x19d600 --  62lete.

Reading data from 0x1a2800 --  63lete.

Reading data from 0x1a7a00 --  64lete.

Reading data from 0x1acc00 --  65lete.

Reading data from 0x1b1e00 --  66lete.

Reading data from 0x1b7000 --  67lete.

Reading data from 0x1bc200 --  68lete.

Reading data from 0x1c1400 --  69lete.

Reading data from 0x1c6600 --  70lete.

Reading data from 0x1cb800 --  71lete.

Reading data from 0x1d0a00 --  72lete.

Reading data from 0x1d5c00 --  73lete.

Reading data from 0x1dae00 --  74lete.

Reading data from 0x1dfe00 --  75lete.

Reading data from 0x1e5000 --  76lete.

Reading data from 0x1ea200 --  77lete.

Reading data from 0x1ef400 --  78lete.

Reading data from 0x1f4600 --  79lete.

Reading data from 0x1f9800 --  80lete.

Reading data from 0x1fea00 --  81lete.

Reading data from 0x203c00 --  82lete.

Reading data from 0x208e00 --  83lete.

Reading data from 0x20e000 --  84lete.

Reading data from 0x213200 --  85lete.

Reading data from 0x218400 --  86lete.

Reading data from 0x21d600 --  87lete.

Reading data from 0x222800 --  88lete.

Reading data from 0x227a00 --  89lete.

Reading data from 0x22cc00 --  90lete.

Reading data from 0x231e00 --  91lete.

Reading data from 0x237000 --  92lete.

Reading data from 0x23c200 --  93lete.

Reading data from 0x241400 --  94lete.

Reading data from 0x246600 --  95lete.

Reading data from 0x24b800 --  96lete.

Reading data from 0x250a00 --  97lete.

Reading data from 0x255c00 --  98lete.

Reading data from 0x25ae00 --  99lete.

Reading data from 0x25fe00 -- 100lete.


2097152 bytes read: OK


## Booting image at 30007fc0 ...


Bad Magic Number


##### 100ask Bootloader for OpenJTAG #####

[n] Download u-boot to Nand Flash

[k] Download Linux kernel uImage


[j] Download root_jffs2 image


[y] Download root_yaffs image


[d] Download to SDRAM & Run


[z] Download zImage into RAM


[g] Boot linux from RAM


[f] Format the Nand Flash


[s] Set the boot parameters


[b] Boot the system


[q] Quit from menu

Enter your selection: q

OpenJTAG> saveenv

Saving Environment to NAND...

Erasing Nand...Writing to Nand... done



OpenJTAG> reset

U-Boot 1.1.6 (Nov 27 2009 - 19:33:59)


Flash: 0 kB

NAND: 64 MiB


In:   serial

Out:   serial

Err:   serial


UPLLVal [M:28h,P:1h,S:2h]

MPLLVal [M:5ch,P:4h,S:0h]



| S3C2440A USB Downloader ver R0.03 2004 Jan  |





FORMAT: +++<2>


NOTE: Power off/on or press the reset button for 1 sec


      in order to get a valid USB device address.


Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0

Booting Linux ...


NAND read: device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0x200000


Reading data from 0x60000 --   0ete.

Reading data from 0x65000 --   1ete.

Reading data from 0x6a200 --   2ete.

Reading data from 0x6f400 --   3ete.

Reading data from 0x74600 --   4ete.

Reading data from 0x79800 --   5ete.

Reading data from 0x7ea00 --   6ete.

Reading data from 0x83c00 --   7ete.

Reading data from 0x88e00 --   8ete.

Reading data from 0x8e000 --   9ete.

Reading data from 0x93200 --  10ete.

Reading data from 0x98400 --  11ete.

Reading data from 0x9d600 --  12ete.

Reading data from 0xa2800 --  13ete.

Reading data from 0xa7a00 --  14ete.

Reading data from 0xacc00 --  15ete.

Reading data from 0xb1e00 --  16ete.

Reading data from 0xb7000 --  17ete.

Reading data from 0xbc200 --  18ete.

Reading data from 0xc1400 --  19ete.

Reading data from 0xc6600 --  20ete.

Reading data from 0xcb800 --  21ete.

Reading data from 0xd0a00 --  22ete.

Reading data from 0xd5c00 --  23

Reading data from 0xdae00 --  24ete.

Reading data from 0xdfe00 --  25

Reading data from 0xe5000 --  26ete.

Reading data from 0xea200 --  27

Reading data from 0xef400 --  28

Reading data from 0xf4600 --  29ete.

Reading data from 0xf9800 --  30ete.

Reading data from 0xfea00 --  31ete.

Reading data from 0x103c00 --  32lete.

Reading data from 0x108e00 --  33lete.

Reading data from 0x10e000 --  34

Reading data from 0x113200 --  35lete.

Reading data from 0x118400 --  36lete.

Reading data from 0x11d600 --  37lete.

Reading data from 0x122800 --  38lete.

Reading data from 0x127a00 --  39lete.

Reading data from 0x12cc00 --  40lete.

Reading data from 0x131e00 --  41lete.

Reading data from 0x137000 --  42lete.

Reading data from 0x13c200 --  43lete.

Reading data from 0x141400 --  44lete.

Reading data from 0x146600 --  45lete.

Reading data from 0x14b800 --  46lete.

Reading data from 0x150a00 --  47lete.

Reading data from 0x155c00 --  48

Reading data from 0x15ae00 --  49lete.

Reading data from 0x15fe00 --  50lete.

Reading data from 0x165000 --  51lete.

Reading data from 0x16a200 --  52lete.

Reading data from 0x16f400 --  53lete.

Reading data from 0x174600 --  54lete.

Reading data from 0x179800 --  55lete.

Reading data from 0x17ea00 --  56lete.

Reading data from 0x183c00 --  57lete.

Reading data from 0x188e00 --  58lete.

Reading data from 0x18e000 --  59lete.

Reading data from 0x193200 --  60lete.

Reading data from 0x198400 --  61lete.

Reading data from 0x19d600 --  62lete.

Reading data from 0x1a2800 --  63lete.

Reading data from 0x1a7a00 --  64

Reading data from 0x1acc00 --  65

Reading data from 0x1b1e00 --  66lete.

Reading data from 0x1b7000 --  67lete.

Reading data from 0x1bc200 --  68lete.

Reading data from 0x1c1400 --  69lete.

Reading data from 0x1c6600 --  70lete.

Reading data from 0x1cb800 --  71lete.

Reading data from 0x1d0a00 --  72lete.

Reading data from 0x1d5c00 --  73lete.

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